Hi. My name is Gwen Myer. I live near Ephrata. As a mother of 4 young children, I know how valuable a dollar is, as well as your time. I am an avid yardsaler, and enjoy the rush of finding that perfect yard sale with a bunch of name brand clothing that will fit my children. Its exciting to come home from yardsaling with bags of goodies, and realize how much money I saved. However, I became frustrated with how much time it took to lay out a route each week. It is time consuming to look through the paper, and then figure out where each yard sale is. I assumed there were many other people out there like me who would appreciate a web site where you could quickly view advertised yard sales in an area, and easily map the ones you want to visit. I developed this web site to make yardsaling in Lancaster County more efficient.

This site is also a great place to advertise your upcoming yard sale or garage sale. No publication can offer the searches and mapping features we offer the shoppers. We also give you a much larger description. Advertise here and watch for shoppers carrying our map.

Check out the page titled "How to Use this Site" to see how this web site will help you, whether you are an advertiser or a yardsaler.

Here is my contact information. Remember, I am a busy mom of a kindergartner, and 3 preschoolers, so you might get my answering machine if you call.

Gwen Myer
15 West Queen Street
Stevens, PA 17578
Phone: (717) 335-7349
Fax: (717) 335-0919